A Zoning Hearing on Map Amendment for Georgetown Heating Plant Scheduled for Next Month

  • August 20th 2019

by Nena Perry-Brown

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HPRB Moves the Georgetown Heating Plant Development Forward: Figure 1
Rendering of the planned redevelopment from 29th Street. Click to enlarge.

While the redevelopment plans for the Georgetown West Heating Plant have cleared several regulatory and approval hurdles over the past few years, there is still one more major approval to get.

Next month, the Zoning Commission will hold a hearing on a map amendment application for the two-acre industrial site at 1051-1055 29th Street NW (map). The Georgetown Companies and the Levy Group are planning to partially demolish and retrofit the heating plant into a Four Seasons-branded, 60-unit luxury condo building.

Because the site is currently unzoned, a map amendment, in this case to identify the site as appropriate for mixed-use development, is necessary to make the project possible.

The building is designed by architect Sir David Adjaye, and a one-acre, elevated public park adajcent to the building is designed by landscape architect Laurie Olin. The zoning hearing is scheduled for September 12th.

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/zoning-hearing-on-map-amendment-for-georgetown-heating-plant-scheduled-for-/15780.

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