Apartment Project Planned for 9th Street Gets Approval

  • May 30th 2013

by Shilpi Paul

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Apartment Project Planned for 9th Street Gets Approval: Figure 1
1505 9th Street NW. Courtesy of Workshop T10 Design Studio.

The development on 9th Street NW continues to move forward at a fairly frenetic pace.

On Thursday morning, the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) approved plans for a four-story, three-unit apartment building at 1505 9th Street NW (map), currently a vacant lot.

The infill project is particularly narrow (13 feet, 4 inches wide) and T10 Design Studio worked within those limits by creating a wide glassy strip running from the top of the building to the second floor. The first and second floors will each contain a one-bedroom unit, while the third and fourth floors will be occupied by a two-bedroom duplex with a private roof deck. In the rear, there is space for a yard and a parking space.

While on the small side, the approved project joins a slew of others in the works on and around the burgeoning boulevard of 9th Street NW:

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This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/yet_another_apartment_building_planned_for_9th_street_nw/7135.

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