What Does Generation Y Want? Walkability and City Life

  • May 16th 2013

by Shilpi Paul

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The findings of a recent study about Generation Y support what people have been saying for years: members of the group want to live in walkable neighborhoods (76 percent), in medium-to-large cities (40 percent), and close to shopping and dining options and their workplaces (62 percent).

The results came from an Urban Land Institute (ULI) report, “America in 2013“, that surveyed Americans across several generations and demographic groups.

54 percent of Generation Yers — a loosely applied label to people who were born between 1980 and 1990 — are also renters, which means many experts are watching them carefully as their next move could shape urban growth patterns. “On the whole, the survey suggests that demand will continue to rise for infill residential development that is less car-dependent, while demand could wane for isolated development in outlying suburb,” stated ULI.

In contrast to Gen Y, many members of Generation X (born between 1966 and 1978) favor single-family suburban neighborhoods, and don’t mind commuting by car (though most — 54 percent — would appreciate a shorter commute).

Overall, 61 percent of respondents stated that they would prefer a smaller home with a shorter commute over a larger home with a longer commute, and 53 percent want to live close to shopping options.

See other articles related to: generation y, urban land institute

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/what_does_generation_y_want_walkability_and_city_life/7074.

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