What Does a NYC Renter Look Like?

  • December 14th 2012

by Shilpi Paul

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What Does a NYC Renter Look Like?: Figure 1
Courtesy of Naked Apartments.

In a slight departure from all things DC-real-estate related, UrbanTurf wanted to share this snapshot of a New York City renter.

Naked Apartments, a website that helps New Yorkers find and rent apartments, sifted through the data that they’ve collected so far from their 2 million users. They found a number of trends regarding preferences and behaviors, which they’ve organized into a very cool infographic .

Here are a few of the most interesting findings:

  • How long does it take to find a home? On average, renters begin their search about 35 days before they move in.
  • Two-bedroom is the most sought after size. In all five boroughs, a plurality of renters searched for two-bedrooms over all other options.
  • Online searching activity was highest between noon and midnight, with a peak at lunchtime and after dinner.
  • 26 percent of the respondents would be willing to commute for an extra 30 minutes in exchange for an apartment $100 less expensive.
  • Women are taking the lead. 55 percent of the searchers are female.
  • Manhattan really is becoming an island for the wealthy. The average income of searchers from Manhattan is $123,672. Brooklyn follows, with an average of $87,422, and Queen and Staten Island are both at about $69,000.

We would love to see a similar breakdown of DC renters.

See other articles related to: nyc, renters

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/what_does_a_nyc_renter_look_like/6439.

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