Waze Adding Carpool to the Ways You Can Get Around

  • October 10th 2018

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Google's wayfinding app Waze introduced a Carpool service two years ago in San Francisco. Now, it is available nationwide.

As reported by Fast Company, the app connects Waze users to others who are commuting toward the same or a nearby destination in order to split the cost of a ride. The Waze app allows users to identify disruptions along a driving route and already has the purported benefit of helping to ease traffic congestion.

The company hopes to leverage the app into carpooling in order to alleviate congestion even further — a goal services like Uber and Lyft have touted but do not have the data to support

“We tried to build a cheaper version of a ride-hail app, but what we missed was the human element of it,” says Waze CEO Noam Bardin of the Carpool app's early days. As of March, the app has been relaunched in order to make it easier for users to find rides with people they know, choose the gender of their driver, and submit ratings.

See other articles related to: apps, commuting, lyft, ride share, technology, traffic congestion, uber, uber pool, waze

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/waze-adding-its-carpool-to-the-ways-you-can-get-around/14552.

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