
UrbanTurf's Best New Feature of 2011: Pipeline

  • December 21st 2011

by UrbanTurf Staff

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Back in February, UrbanTurf launched what has since become one of the most popular features on the site. Pipeline is a searchable database of multifamily projects that are under construction, in the planning stages or have just recently delivered in the DC area. The database currently consists of approximately 170 projects and it is updated almost daily.

Screenshot of Pipeline. Click through to see the real thing.
UrbanTurf's Best New Feature of 2011: Pipeline: Figure 1

A particularly handy feature of Pipeline are the “quick search” links included here:

While Pipeline was deemed the best addition to the site this year, it should be noted that our Re-imagined feature came in a close second.

See other articles related to: best of 2011, pipeline

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/urbanturfs_best_new_feature_of_2011_pipeline/4817.

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