UrbanTurf's 2016 in Review

  • December 23rd 2016

by UrbanTurf Staff

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UrbanTurf's 2016 in Review: Figure 1

UrbanTurf usually stays away from publishing rankings or lists…except at the end of the year when we look back at what DC’s residential real estate scene had to offer during the previous 12 months. So, over the last week we looked at not only the best but the most intriguing and peculiar things that came across our radar over the course of 2016.

Here UrbanTurf’s Year in Review posts for those that missed them. And to all our readers, happy holidays!

See other articles related to: best of 2016

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/urbanturfs_2016_in_review/12007.

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