
UrbanTurf Supper Club

  • May 28th 2013

by UrbanTurf Staff

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Are you in the market for a home in the DC area?

Do you read UrbanTurf daily? Spend your weekends at open houses? Subscribe to listing alerts?

If so, come join a small group of similarly-inclined folks for a meal.

UrbanTurf is hosting a small dinner for area home buyers. The format is simple.

There will be 12 of us – ten of you plus two UrbanTurfers – and we’ll have a table to ourselves at Mama Ayesha’s in Adams Morgan. The idea is for fellow would-be home buyers to share knowledge, tips, and stories. Hopefully you’ll leave the evening a little smarter about the real estate market having shared your experiences and listened to those of others.

This is a homebuyer-only event, so the only “industry” folks will be us, your friendly UrbanTurf editors. There won’t be a presentation or strict format. Just good food, drink, and conversation. Join us.


The dinner will take place Tuesday, June 11th, from 7:30 to 9ish at Mama Ayesha’s (map). Everyone pays her own way, and pays ahead of time. The cost is $34.56. You send us an email saying you’d like to come. We’ll then send you the link to pay, which will lock in your attendance. The night of the dinner you won’t even pull out your wallet; food, one drink, tax, and tip are all baked into the price. Easy peasy. Here’s the RSVP email link again: supperclub@urbanturf.com. Hope to see you on the 11th.

The RSVP address one more time:

See other articles related to: dclofts, home buying, supper club, urbanturf

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/urbanturf_supper_club/7118.

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