
UrbanTurf Has an RSS Feed, Too

  • September 30th 2010

by UrbanTurf Staff

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UrbanTurf Has an RSS Feed, Too: Figure 1

Those of you who get your daily dose of web-based news using Google Reader or some other RSS reader, know that UrbanTurf has a feed you can subscribe to right here. All the same stories you see on the website are also published to our RSS feed, so you’re not missing anything if you read UrbanTurf this way instead of coming to the website.

For those unfamiliar with RSS, it’s a simple way to “subscribe” to all your favorite blogs and websites so that new posts and articles are delivered in one place as they are published. It eliminates the need to go from site to site, checking for new updates. Learn more about it below:

The link to our feed, one more time, is here.

See other articles related to: urbanturf

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/urbanturf_has_an_rss_feed_too/2527.

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