Uber Might Make Dockless Bikes More Ubiquitous

  • January 31st 2018

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Uber Might Make Dockless Bikes More Ubiquitous: Figure 1

Although many DC residents have had it up to here with the influx of dockless bikes in the city, a new partnership may make them more readily accessible to some users  --  or could add more users in general.

Ride-hailing app Uber has announced that it will pilot a partnership with dockless bike company JUMP in the San Francisco area starting next week. Uber users will be able to locate and reserve JUMP bikes through the Uber app.

While details of the program are forthcoming, it is likely that current Uber users may be more likely to use JUMP if the option is already at their fingertips.

JUMP is one of five dockless bikeshare companies currently operating under a pilot program in the District.

See other articles related to: bikeshare, biking, dockless bikes, uber

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/uber-might-make-some-dockless-bikes-more-ubiquitous/13514.

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