Trump's Plans For an Oval Office Makeover, White House Addition

  • April 1st 2016

by UrbanTurf Staff

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Trump's Plans For an Oval Office Makeover, White House Addition: Figure 1
A rendering of Donald Trump’s re-imagined Oval Office.

Before Donald Trump launched his presidential campaign, he made a fortune in real estate, so it is only fitting that he has plans to make a few renovations to the most famous residence in the country if he is elected president.

Today, UrbanTurf received The Donald’s renovation plans for The White House, which include a gussied-up Oval Office and a residential addition in the mold of Trump’s Las Vegas casino.

The Oval Office makeover includes a new gold-plated aesthetic as well as a reimagining of Michelangelo’s famous Sistine Chapel fresco. Trump plans to replace the standard four chair set-up in the office with a large, semi-circular couch that faces the president’s desk. The addition behind The White House, seen below, was originally much taller before Trump’s architects reminded him of the city’s Height Act.

Trump's Plans For an Oval Office Makeover, White House Addition: Figure 2
Trump’s planned addition to The White House.

“With Mr. Trump, you need to think outside the box when it comes to renovations,” project architect Ilé Soo-Yoo said. “And when Mr. Trump wants to go huge, he really means yuge.”

Trump’s addition to the presidential residence would include a ballroom, a hair salon, and a room filled with “Make America Great Again” baseball caps. Plans to build a wall around The White House have been nixed. “Mr. Trump only wants to build one wall during his presidency,” Soo-Yoo said.

Three years ago to the day, UrbanTurf covered Trump’s initial design for the Old Post Office Pavilion, which The Donald endorsed but ultimately toned down. It will be interesting to see if his plans for The White House pass muster beyond today.

Renderings courtesy of Capital Pixel.

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