The Plan To Reshape Upper 14th Street Heads To Zoning Commission

  • March 4th 2024

by UrbanTurf Staff

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The 4600 and 4700 block of 14th Street. 

Last summer, a collection of property owners along a stretch of upper 14th Street filed for zoning changes that would bring in more development opportunities to the area. Now, that plan will head before DC's Zoning Commission. 

The owners of 25 properties along the west side of the 4600 and 4700 Block of 14th Street NW (map) filed a map amendment application to rezone this stretch from the MU-3A to MU-5A designation, which would result in more residential and commercial development. A hearing on the amendment application is scheduled for April 1. 

"The proposed zoning change has been a priority for the owners for many years," the 14th Street Collective Property Owners told UrbanTurf last June. "However, in the last year or so, two adjacent tracts, the Dance Loft tract and the AKA tract have been rezoned. We believe this is the right time for the rest of the corridor as our neighbors have successfully secured their zoning change." The referenced Dance Loft tract will be a 101-unit affordable development with a dance studio and retail/restaurant space at 4608-4618 14th Street NW. 

The MU-5A designation would result in allowing by-right medium density mixed-use development with a maximum height of 65 feet, notably taller than the 40 feet that zoning currently allows. The existing businesses consist of a variety of restaurants, hair salons and other shops. 

See other articles related to: 14th street, 14th street corridor

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