The 6 DC-Area Zip Codes Where Home Prices Have Appreciated the Most in 2022

  • April 8th 2022

by UrbanTurf Staff

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A home that sold recently in 22102.

Today, UrbanTurf is taking a look at the areas around DC that have seen the highest home price appreciation so far in 2022.

In the table below, we outline the six zip codes that have seen the largest percentage increase in home values this year. In order to qualify for the list, a zip code had to record at least 20 sales so far in 2022. 

The two zip codes leading the way in the region are both in McLean, Virginia. In the 22102 zip code, median prices are up just over 50% and in 22101, prices are up just under 50%. The Prince George's County zip code of 20782 that includes sections of Hyattsville and University Park has seen prices rise 45%. 

Rounding out the list are three DC zip codes where prices have risen 20%-25% this year. Leading the way in the city is 20024, which encompasses a good section of the Southwest waterfront. The other two are the Capitol Hill zip code of 20003 and the Adams Morgan and Logan Circle zip code of 20009. 

A similarity for almost all these zip codes is a severe lack of homes for sale. All the areas saw the supply of listings drop precipitously in the first quarter of 2022 compared to the previous year.

Photo courtesy of HomeVisit.

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