Dupont Circle Church/Residential Project Gets Design Approval

  • March 27th 2015

by Lark Turner

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Dupont Circle Church/Residential Project Gets Design Approval: Figure 1
The latest rendering of the development.

The controversial St. Thomas’ Parish Church redevelopment at 1772 Church Street NW (map) took a step forward on Thursday when the design concept received approval from the Historic Preservation Review Board.

The design for the church and residences, which will be built over the ruins of the former church destroyed by arson in the 1970s, has been through several iterations since it was first revealed to the public. Developer CAS Riegler said Thursday it had been in more than 100 community-related meetings regarding the project.

Dupont Circle Church/Residential Project Gets Design Approval: Figure 2
A rendering of the redesigned church.

Drawings provided to UrbanTurf in mid-February show residences set back further from the historic parish hall on Church Street and a dramatically changed church building. Though board members had a number of critiques to offer on the design, they decided to approve the design in concept and ask the developer to return to the board for final approval later in the design process.

CAS Riegler, working with architect Hickok Cole, plans to build 50-60 residential units. Those units will finance a brand-new church building adjacent to the residential development.

See other articles related to: cas riegler, hickok cole, st. thomas parish church

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