
Palm Sweat-Inducing, Sky Pools Become Latest Luxury Apartment Amenity

  • August 21st 2015

by Tianna Mañón

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Palm Sweat-Inducing, Sky Pools Become Latest Luxury Apartment Amenity: Figure 1
A pool in India is suspended 12 stories up.

Twice in one week, the sky pool has made waves.

Residential buildings across the world boast a pool of some sort whether it is on the roof, inside or underground. But this week, new developments in London and India are showing off a new kind of pool — a transparent, glass structure suspended between two buildings.

Palm Sweat-Inducing, Sky Pools Become Latest Luxury Apartment Amenity: Figure 2
A London pool claims to be the first of its kind.

In London, the bridge will connect two apartment buildings. The pool will be a little more than three yards, or nine feet, deep and over 15 feet wide.

The Indian version in Surat, Gujarat, which is already under development, is much larger. It connects two residential buildings like the one in London but it’s 60 feet long and 21 feet wide.

There are a couple other notable differences between the two pools besides size; the London pool is essentially a passageway between the two buildings and is just 10 stories up. The Indian counterpart is a pool between two buildings 12 stories up, but it has a deck area for lounging and extends out over the city and past the building’s walls. It will also be completed about a year earlier — in mid-2016 instead of 2017 for the London version.

Due to a serious aversion to heights, the staff at UrbanTurf sees these new pools as a deterrent to renting in these buildings, but to each their own!

See other articles related to: london, sky pool

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/sky_pools_are_the_latest_trend_amenity/10274.

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