Shorter Building, More Units, and a Step Forward for Clardendon's Red Top Cab Site

  • December 8th 2020

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Red Top Cab redevelopment massing, from northwest. Click to enlarge.

Five years after Arlington County approved a redevelopment of the Red Top Cab sites in Clarendon, newly filed plans show that the project is changing a bit. 

The Shooshan Company and Trammell Crow previously proposed a 584-unit development across three buildings spanning several parcels between 13th Street, N. Hudson Street, and Washington Boulevard. Despite receiving approval in 2015, and receiving approval for parking-related amendments in 2018, ground has not yet broken on the development.

Sites included in approved development. Click to enlarge.

An amendment application has now been filed specifically for the building slated for 3275 Washington Boulevard (map).

Rendering of subject building, from 13th and N. Irving Streets. Click to enlarge.

The new design by WDG Architecture would lop 9 feet from the maximum height of the building, bringing it to 94 feet at its tallest point. With the shortened height also comes a shift of 6,078 square feet in massing from the 10th floor to the 7th-10th floors.

Red Top Cab redevelopment massing, from southwest. Click to enlarge.
Previous rendering of subject building. Click to enlarge.

As currently proposed, the building would have 269 residential units instead of the previously-approved 247. The unit mix will span from studios to two bedrooms, and the ground-floor units will have private entrances, including a lone three-bedroom unit. The development will also include 134 vehicular spaces and 108 bicycle spaces on a below-grade level.

Red Top Cab redevelopment massing, from northeast. Click to enlarge.

It is unclear when the county Planning Commission will consider the application.

This article originally published at

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