A Proposed DC Bill Would Establish Zones Where Flood Insurance is Required for New Buildings

  • October 6th 2021

by Nena Perry-Brown

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bill was introduced in the DC Council last week on Mayor Bowser's behalf which would enhance scrutiny of development in the city's many flood-prone areas.

The Flood Resilience Amendment Act of 2021 would enable the Department of Energy and the Environment (DOEE) to designate flood hazard sites and require flood insurance for any new construction in those areas.

"Flood hazard locations" are sites identified as a flood hazard on the Federal Emergency Management Agency's flood insurance rate map or otherwise designated by DOEE, although specific criteria for the latter is not included in the bill as introduced. 

"As climate change occurs, the District can expect more frequent and severe flooding, leading to significant economic losses if protective measures are not taken," Mayor Muriel Bowser stated in an introductory letter for the bill. "The legislation I introduce today would allow adoption of policies that increase protections for District residents who live in floodplains, and ensure that economic losses related to flooding are minimized."

The bill was referred to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment on Tuesday.

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This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/proposed-dc-bill-would-establish-zones-where-flood-insurance-required-for-n/18792.

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