
Out of the Cold Price Revealed

  • January 30th 2013

by UrbanTurf Staff

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Out of the Cold Price Revealed: Figure 1

Late last week, we asked readers to guess the price of a one-bedroom cottage with a sleeping loft in Los Angeles. (This post must’ve been what brought DC this unseasonably warm weather.) Here is a brief description of the property for those who missed it:

The listing is a one-bedroom cottage with a sleeping loft. In addition to hardwood floors and high ceilings, the coolest part of the home is that the living room opens up to a private, gated patio. We could give you the neighborhood where the home is located, but that would just make it too easy for you.

Take a look:

Out of the Cold Price Revealed: Figure 2

Out of the Cold Price Revealed: Figure 3

Out of the Cold Price Revealed: Figure 4

Including those from UrbanTurf’s Facebook page, the guesses ranged from a low of $300,000 to a high of $1.2 million. Since UrbanTurf didn’t provide the L.A. neighborhood where this home is located, guessing the correct price was a little bit tougher. So how much would you have to plunk down for this property? The price for the Hollywood Hills East home is: $499,000. Here is the property listing.

Congratulations to our winner Doug who was closest with a guess of $475,000.

See other articles related to: guess how much, los angeles

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/out_of_the_cold_price_revealed/6585.

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