Once a Likely Wal-Mart, New York Avenue Site Up for Sale

  • January 14th 2014

by Lark Turner

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Once a Likely Wal-Mart, New York Avenue Site Up for Sale: Figure 1
The site. Courtesy Transwestern via The Washington Post

They had a deal with Wal-Mart. This fall, it expired. Now the property’s up for sale.

Owned by local taxi magnates, the 15 acres of land at 1801 New York Avenue NE (map) have been in the sights of a number of developers over the years. But none have been able to execute a project. Most recently, a developer struck a deal that would have included a Wal-Mart on the site, but that deal fell through in September and the Post reported today that the plot is now up for sale.

For some DC residents, that’s good news. Wal-Mart is an unwelcome newcomer to many after a spat over living wages, which ended when Mayor Vincent Gray vetoed a Wal-Mart-targeted City Council proposal to raise the city’s minimum wage to $12.50 an hour at big-box retailers. Wal-Mart warned that it might not open its doors in the city if the proposal became law.

It didn’t, and they did; the retailer has opened two stores in the District, including one topped by apartments, and a third store is in the works.

Wal-Mart told the Post that it would still like to open a store at any development planned for the New York Avenue site, but with the property for sale, the plans are up in the air.

See other articles related to: wal-mart, walmart

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/once_a_likely_wal-mart_this_sites_now_up_for_sale/7996.

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