NoMA's Storey Park Receives BZA Approval

  • June 22nd 2017

by Nena Perry-Brown

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NoMA's Storey Park Receives BZA Approval: Figure 1
Rendering of Storey Park

Three years after development was first approved for the former Greyhound site in NoMA, the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) granted unanimous approval for Storey Park to move forward on Wednesday.

After the originally-approved development period expired, Four Points and Perseus Realty regrouped and submitted a new plan for the site at 1005 First Street NE (map). Yesterday morning, the BZA voted to approve the application and its requests for relief from loading ramp slope requirements, size requirements for two courtyards on the south end of the site, and a variance to create a penthouse lounge for the hotel. The HKS Architects-designed project is otherwise a by-right development.

The new plan will create a donut-shaped building with 460 residential units, 235 hotel rooms and 27,000 square feet of retail (some of which will be below-grade). There will also be 295 parking spaces in an underground garage. The development team is working to sign Marriott to administer the hotel portion.

The approved plan also eliminates the public courtyard component that was a centerpiece in the original proposition. One of the south courtyards will align with the courtyard of an adjacent project that is currently under construction.

See other articles related to: four points, four points llc, hks architects, noma, perseus realty

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