A New Look For 14th and R

  • October 3rd 2013

by Shilpi Paul

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A New Look For 14th and R: Figure 1
Latest rendering for Central Union Mission. Click to enlarge.

UrbanTurf recently got its hands on the newest and most detailed rendering of the 51-unit Central Union Mission condo project at 14th and R Street NW.

Courtesy of architect Eric Colbert, the rendering reveals a simple, window-heavy rehabilitation of the existing buildings, and set-back additions on 1625 though 1629 14th Street NW. Plans call for 1350 R Street NW, the main address for the former Mission, to be updated, while the buildings at 1625 through 1629 14th Street NW will have additions built on top.

The layout of each condo will vary, Colbert told UrbanTurf, from loft-y condos to two-story duplexes, with a mix of larger and smaller units. No announcement has been made regarding what will occupy the retail space on the ground level.

A New Look For 14th and R: Figure 2
The old Mission building.

The previous occupants of the Central Union Mission have moved to the mission’s new location at 65 Massachusetts Avenue NW.

Developer Jeffrey Schonberger first started planning the project in 2006. As we reported in July, the building began construction this summer. Delivery is expected in the late fall 2014.

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This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/new_rendering_released_of_central_union_mission_condo_project/7641.

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