New Map Tracks DC Circulator Buses in Real Time

  • January 18th 2011

by UrbanTurf Staff

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If you have grown so frustrated with the DC Circulator timetables that you don’t bother even using them anymore, you will likely be happy with this development.

New Map Tracks DC Circulator Buses in Real Time: Figure 1
Screenshot of new DC Circulator Tool

Greater Greater Washington reports on a new tool from Geocentric that tracks the progress of buses along DC’s Circulator routes. GGW notes (and we agree) that the most helpful aspect of the new tool will be the individual line pages. Once a route has been chosen, the user then picks what direction they will be travelling in, and then all the stops are displayed with the expected arrival time for the next Circulator.

We can not yet vouch for the reliability of this new tool, but we plan on testing it out soon.

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