Traffic, Noise and Rat Control: More Updates on The Wharf

  • February 13th 2014

by Lark Turner

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Traffic, Noise and Rat Control: More Updates on The Wharf: Figure 1
A rendering of the development at the end of its first phase.

UrbanTurf reported on The Wharf’s updated construction timeline earlier this week. The first phase of the massive $2 billion dollar development along the Southwest Waterfront is scheduled to start in March, and be completed in about 3.5 years.

Since the article, more information about the project, from the traffic snarls to the rats (really), has been released. The information comes from an FAQ released by the development team this week (the questions are the work of a group of community members).

Here are some highlights:

The Traffic

  • Water Street will be closed starting around December 2014.
  • Southbound Maine Avenue will be closed between about June and September 2014 from the Fish Market to 7th Street SW.

The Local Spots

  • The Channel Inn will need to close on or before May 13, 2014.
  • Jenny’s, an Asian Fusion restaurant on Water Street, may be relocating to a small part of the Channel Inn building.

The Church

  • St. Augustine’s Church is up for demolition this summer.
  • Construction of the new church will start immediately afterward.

The Noise

  • Construction will occur between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. during the week, and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday.
  • During the first year of construction, the water side pile driving will start approximately three months after construction begins. The pile driving will last four to six months.

The Rats

  • Worry not, locals: “HMW and Clark will contract with an experienced rodent extermination/control firm, which will treat the area as appropriate prior to the start of any construction and will monitor the project for rodent control during the entire construction phase.”

This article originally published at

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