Metrobus Launches Text and Email Alert System

  • February 29th 2012

by UrbanTurf Staff

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Metrobus Launches Text and Email Alert System: Figure 1

Metro has released an email and text alert system for Metrobus, so riders can be notified why they have been waiting half an hour for a bus to show up, The Washington Post reports.

From the Post:

Metrobus users can sign up online to get service information on a maximum of four lines. It can be sent to their mobile devices, pagers or desktop computers. The alert system will operate between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m weekdays.

Metrorail already has an alert system like this in place, but our favorite aspect of the new system is that it can be sent to a pager (anyone still using those awesome instruments?). To sign up for the new service, click here.

See other articles related to: metro, metrobus

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