Metro Fares to Increase July 1

  • April 27th 2012

by UrbanTurf Staff

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Metro Fares to Increase July 1: Figure 1

Proposed Metro fare increases announced back in January look like they will be going into effect on July 1. The fare increases, which are supposed to make up for a $116 million deficit, were approved by Metro’s board of directors on Thursday.

Here is a quick rundown:

  • The base peak fare for rail riders would increase to $2.10 (from $1.95) and the maximum fare would increase 75 cents to $5.75. The base off-peak fare for rail riders would be $1.70, up from $1.60. The maximum off-peak fare would be $3.50.
  • A 28-day unlimited pass would be made available on SmarTrip cards. It would cost $230, which many opponents say would not save regular commuters any money.
  • The $9 one-day pass will be replaced by an unlimited pass that will run riders $14.
  • Bus fares will increase by 10 cents for SmarTrip riders; those who pay cash will be charged an extra 20 cents.

See other articles related to: metro, metrobus

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