Maryland's Purple Line Moving Forward, State to Invest $400 Million

  • August 5th 2013

by Shilpi Paul

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Maryland's Purple Line Moving Forward, State to Invest $400 Million: Figure 1
Courtesy of the MTA and the Washington Post.

The Purple Line, a Maryland Metro line that will connect Bethesda to New Carrollton, is moving forward.

At an event on Monday, Governor Martin O’Malley announced the details behind funding for the Purple Line, reported several sources.

In addition to announcing that the Federal Transit Administration issued a “Record of Decision” for the Purple Line, clearing the way for federal funding, O’Malley announced that the state of Maryland will make a $400 million commitment to the line, reported the Washington Post. The state is also seeking a private company to design, construct, operate and maintain the $2.2 billion project.

The 16-mile east-west line will run from Montgomery County to Prince George’s County, with 21 stops through places like Silver Spring, the University of Maryland and Beacon Heights, among others. Right now, those who want to use Metro to get between Silver Spring and Bethesda have to go into DC on the Red Line and then come back up; this new line would make the connection much faster.

According to WTOP, some believe that the announcement will put th line on track to start construction by 2015. The five-year project would be finished in 2020.

See other articles related to: purple line

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