Is This The DC Neighborhood That Homebuyers Love the Most?

  • February 13th 2019

by Nena Perry-Brown

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A home that sold in Carver-Langston last year.

While a conversation about the DC area's most popular neighborhoods for homebuyers may conjure images of Logan Circle and Capitol Hill, a new analysis suggests otherwise.

Zillow found that the DC neighborhood Carver-Langston got the most "love" from DC homebuyers on its site last year. Carver-Langston is a slice of Northeast DC that is east of the Starburst intersection between Maryland Avenue and Benning Road (map). The median home value in the neighborhood is $531,800, 32 percent more than the areawide median, but just below the citywide median of $537,500.

To determine the rankings, Zillow tallied the net number of times listings were "saved" throughout 2018, as well as tracked the neighborhoods that received the most "favorites" per listing. 

Trailing behind Carver-Langston in the most-favorited metric are the DC neighborhoods of Foxhall and Georgetown, both of which are decidedly million-dollar neighborhoods. This perhaps typifies the duality of the DC area market: aspirational luxury homes that inspire envy on one end, and reasonably-priced homes that offer a reality check on the other.

See other articles related to: carver langston, carver-langston, zestimate, zestimates, zillow

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