HPO Recommends Approval Of 95-Unit Development In Chinatown

  • February 24th

by UrbanTurf Staff

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Rendering of planned development at 608-624 Eye Street NW.

A concept for a long-planned residential project in the middle of DC's Chinatown looks poised to get approved.

The Historic Preservation Office (HPO) is recommending the Review Board (HPRB) approve Monument Realty's concept for a development at 608-624 Eye Street NW (map) that will deliver 95 new apartments and 9,400 square feet of retail. 

The project, designed by DCS Design, will preserve the townhouses, auto body shop and carriage house on the site, as well as add a new eight-story residential building. Monument received approval in December to demolish the warehouse building at 616 Eye Street to make way for the new apartment component. 

"The 600 block of Eye Street is in dire need of attention," the developer stated in its HPO application. "The Project will preserve and revitalize the existing townhomes from 608-620 Eye Street NW bringing them back to life by way of restoring the existing façades and structure."

This isn't the first iteration of a development for these addresses. After a lengthy process with DC's HPO back in 2015, Monument received approval to build an 10-story, 133-unit residential building at the site. Challenges due to the pandemic resulted in the project stalling and the developer switching gears to a smaller development. 

The planned project will go before the Historic Preservation Review Board later this week. 

See other articles related to: chinatown, chinatown dc, monument realty

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/hpo_recommends_approval_of_95-unit_development_in_chinatown/23223.

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