House Beautiful Dropping Green Chairs Across DC

  • March 13th 2012

by Shilpi Paul

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House Beautiful Dropping Green Chairs Across DC: Figure 1

Want a green chair? House Beautiful is giving away 19 of them to DC residents on Wednesday and Thursday as part of their “Color it Green“ giveaway.

The home decor magazine, which is currently obsessed with the color green, will be placing the chairs, which range from a traditional Wing Back to a modern bungee-cord office chair, all over the city during the next two days. The contest is open to their Facebook and Twitter followers, who will be getting clues that will take them on a scavenger hunt throughout the House Beautiful website (for more details, click here) in order to find the chairs. There’s also an online giveaway.

The chairs certainly look cool Photoshopped into iconic DC landmarks, and we’re hoping something comfy will make its way to the UrbanTurf headquarters.

Image courtesy of House Beautiful.

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