From 88 to 256 Keys: A New Design and More Rooms for Planned Georgetown Hotel

  • April 17th 2020

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Newer rendering of proposed hotel, looking southwest down 30th Street. Click to enlarge.

While construction is on hold at the site of the old Latham Hotel in Georgetown, the development team is pursuing a new design for a hotel with more rooms.

Thor Equities and architect Shalom Baranes have submitted a new design for the planned hotel at 3000 M Street NW (map) to DC's Historic Preservation Office. 

Newer rendering of proposed hotel, looking southwest from 30th and M Streets. Click to enlarge.
Previous rendering of the hotel.

Rather than a 10-story, 88-room hotel above three stories of retail, the proposed hotel would be eight stories and 256 rooms above a single story of retail. The current design was approved in 2016; the development team has cited difficulty securing retail tenants in recent years. 

Existing site. Click to enlarge.

The hotel as proposed now would include amenity space on three below grade levels, along with roof decks on the third and sixth floors and on the penthouse level. Additional renderings are below.

Newer rendering of proposed hotel, M Street elevation. Click to enlarge.
Newer rendering of proposed hotel, looking northwest down 30th. Click to enlarge.
Newer rendering of proposed hotel, from park looking north. Click to enlarge.

This article originally published at

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