Foreclosures Become Free Farmer's Markets

  • August 15th 2011

by Mark Wellborn

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Foreclosures Become Free Farmer's Markets: Figure 1

The New York Times reported on Sunday that the gardens and fruit trees of bank-owned homes have become the equivalent of free farmer’s markets in many U.S. metropolitan areas. The article focuses on an Atlanta woman who has found figs, tomatoes and even watermelon in the gardens of these vacant properties on her nightly strolls. The piece also says that the trend extends to owner-occupied homes in other parts of the country:

Over the last few years, in cities from Oakland, Calif., to Clemson, S.C., well-intentioned foraging enthusiasts have mapped public fruit trees and organized picking parties. Volunteers descend on generous homeowners who are happy to share their bounty, sometimes getting a few jars of preserves in return.

While taking the produce from vacant homes is technically illegal, the article notes that the produce would go bad if not picked, and that in many instances, the pickers end up giving the fruits and vegetables to the homeless and/or local food banks. Perhaps this is what will become of the glut of foreclosures, rather than turning them into rentals.

See other articles related to: famrer's markets, the new york times

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