A First Look at DC's New West Elm Store

  • July 13th 2011

by UrbanTurf Staff

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A First Look at DC's New West Elm Store: Figure 1
New West Elm Pop-up Store at 3333 M Street NW

West Elm in DC has gone from big to small in just over a year.

UrbanTurf got a first look today at the pop-up West Elm store that is officially opening for business in the city’s oldest neighborhood on Thursday. The store has signed a seven-month lease at 3333 M Street NW (map) in Georgetown.

A First Look at DC's New West Elm Store: Figure 2

Home furnishing lovers likely remember the sprawling West Elm location on G Street, which closed its doors in March of last year. At the time, that store was West Elm’s largest in the country. At 3,300 square feet of retail space, the Georgetown store is now the company’s smallest store.

When The Washington Post first reported the opening of the store in June, it mentioned that “pop-up” stores had become popular in recent years as a way for retailers to try out new concepts and generate buzz. The Post wrote that with the volatile recovery, “temporary retail has lost none of its appeal [as] property owners still have vacancies and tenants remain skittish about taking space for several years.” West Elm representatives told UrbanTurf that the store would like to stay in Georgetown after its lease ends, perhaps even finding a larger space.

A First Look at DC's New West Elm Store: Figure 3

On Saturday, Pleasant Pops will be giving away popsicles from 10am to noon, one of which will have a $1,000 West Elm gift card in it. More photos of the store below.

A First Look at DC's New West Elm Store: Figure 4

A First Look at DC's New West Elm Store: Figure 5

See other articles related to: georgetown, west elm

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/first_look_at_new_georgetown_west_elm_store/3794.

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