
Parking-Light H Street Project Will Come with a Slew of Transit Concessions

  • April 29th 2015

by Lark Turner

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Parking-Light H Street Project Will Come with a Slew of Transit Concessions: Figure 1
Rendering of 501 H Street

Recently-filed updates to Douglas Development’s 28-unit mixed-use development at 501 H Street NE (map) include a substantial transit plan to make up for the lack of parking at the project.

The developers propose giving new residents a $100 SmarTrip card, a one-year Bikeshare membership and a carshare membership. They will also install a TransitScreen in the lobby to give residents real-time information on nearby bus and transit lines. And, there will be an employee on-site who will “provide information to residents, particularly incoming residents, regarding transit opportunities and schedules, as well as the location of Capital Bikeshare stations within the area and bicycle parking within the building.”

Parking-Light H Street Project Will Come with a Slew of Transit Concessions: Figure 2

Those options, several of which are becoming standard fare for developers hoping to win a variance or special exception to city parking minimums, are offered in exchange for the four compact parking spaces and one handicap space that will be available for parking onsite. One of the compact spaces will be reserved for a carshare vehicle. The rest will be available only to residents, not to shoppers at the development’s 17,500 square feet of retail.

ANC 6C supports the development which will go before the Zoning Commission in the coming weeks.

See other articles related to: douglas development, douglas jemal, h street, h street corridor

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/douglas_developments_parking-light_h_street_project_will_come_with_transit/9825.

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