DC Ranks as 4th Best City to Travel Car-Free

  • April 18th 2013

by UrbanTurf Staff

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DC Ranks as 4th Best City to Travel Car-Free: Figure 1
Downtown DC by Shay Thomason

DC ranks near the top of a lot of silly lists. In the last two years, our fair city has ranked as one of the best cities for online dating, vegetarians, and romance.

But today, DC made a very cool top 10 list and the methodology behind how the list was created is actually quite sound. Walk Score ranked the nation’s capital as one of the top five places in the U.S. where visitors can get around without a car.

Using Walk Score and Transit Score in addition to the availability of car shares within a 15-minute walk of hotels in a given city, Walk Score ranked DC as the 4th best city for visitors to get around sans car, right behind New York, San Francisco and Boston.

For the full list, click here.

See other articles related to: walk score, walkability, walkable

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/dc_ranks_as_4th_best_city_to_travel_car-free/6950.

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