DC Area Rents Rise Slightly In March

  • March 4th

by UrbanTurf Staff

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A new report finds that apartment rents rose slightly in the DC area last month, and are also up year-over-year. 

Rents in the region rose 0.6% in February, according to a new report from ApartmentList, and increased 2.2% compared to a year ago.


"Washington, DC rents went up 0.6% in the past month, compared to the national rate of 0.3%" the report stated. "Among the nation's 100 largest cities, this ranks #32. Similar monthly rent growth took place in Tacoma, WA (0.6%) and Fremont, CA (0.6%)."

The median rent in the region is $2,144/month for a one-bedroom apartment and $2,201 for a two-bedroom, according to the report. 

See other articles related to: apartment rents, dc apartment market, dc apartment rents

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/dc_area_rents_rise_slightly_in_march/23255.

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