DC Lost an Estimated 20,000 Residents in 2021

  • January 3rd 2022

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Shaw. Photo by Ted Eytan.

Last year, the official DC population count from the decennial U.S. Census was far lower than anticipated — and the latest count is even more dismal.

The population of the District of Columbia dropped by 20,043 residents in 2021, dropping the city's population to roughly 670,050, per Census data released last month. This 3% decline was the largest year-over-year drop in the country.

The falling population was solely due to domestic migration, as 23,030 residents moved elsewhere in the country. There were population increases due to births (2,171) and international migration (1,128).

Another report recently stated that DC's population experienced the most significant undercount nationwide in the 2020 Census, overlooking more than 14,000 residents.

See other articles related to: census, migration, population, u.s. census, us census

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/dc-lost-an-estimated-20000-residents-in-2021/19096.

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