DC Added an Estimated 7,000 Residents in 2020

  • January 4th 2021

by Nena Perry-Brown

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DC's Spanish Steps. Photo by Ted Eytan.

Although some data suggested that DC was losing residents last year amid the pandemic, Census projections are indicating otherwise.

The U.S. Census Bureau released its 2020 projected population estimates just before Christmas, which ballparked DC's population at 712,816 as of July 2020. That represents an increase of 7,067 residents from the 2019 population reported by DC's Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO). 

Per the OCFO's numbers, the Census Bureau overestimated DC's population in 2019 by over 2,500 people. However, whether the 2020 Bureau estimate is more accurate or overshoots by roughly the same amount, 2020's population growth would still be stronger than that observed in 2019, when the city added 4,202 residents.

The OCFO has not yet released its population count for 2020, but that may provide a clearer picture of how growth is trending. Also, with the Census Bureau expected to release its official population stats from the decennial count as early as this summer, DC will be in line for another major change: new ward boundaries.

See other articles related to: census, population, u.s. census

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/dc-added-an-estimated-7000-residents-in-2020/17700.

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