A Slightly New Look For Frager's Hardware Redevelopment

  • June 8th 2016

by Nena Perry-Brown

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A Slightly New Look For Frager's Hardware Redevelopment: Figure 1
A new rendering of the building when looking SE down Pennsylvania Avenue

On Tuesday evening, representatives of Perseus Realty and Hickok Cole Architects presented the ANC 6B Planning and Zoning Committee with an updated look and possible construction timeline for the redevelopment of Frager’s Hardware on Capitol Hill.

In light of comments made by the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB), the development team for the restored Frager’s Hardware store and accompanying mixed-use development at 1101-1117 Pennsylvania Avenue SE (map) has made modest revisions to the building’s design.

The neighborhood hardware store will return to its former location following a fire a few years ago. In addition to the hardware store, approximately 34 large condominium units and underground parking are also being constructed on-site.

The HPRB wanted a less-modern appearance and a design and use of materials that more closely complements the historic two-story facade that remains on the site. The design has now been altered to incorporate taupe and beige brick rather than the dark grey that, along with an abundance of metal, was in the original look.

Also, the third story is now a different color than the current facade in order to highlight the original, restored structure. The glass attic that was the fifth story will now match the fourth story.

Already having conferred with the Office of Planning on the new design, the development team must now submit their plans for shoring up the historic facade to the Department of Regulatory and Consumer Affairs, which is the first step before any additional construction can commence. They must also secure approval from the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) before beginning any work as the site is extremely close to WMATA’s underground tracks.

If all approvals and permits are procured in a timely manner, construction could start in the first quarter of 2017. Javelin 19 Investments is also a partner in the development team.

Correction: The article has been updated to reflect Javelin 19 Investments’ involvement in the project.

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/construction_timeline_for_fragers_hardware_redevelopment/11335.

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