New Office/Retail Concept On the Boards For 9th Street

  • March 28th 2013

by Shilpi Paul

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New Office/Retail Concept On the Boards For 9th Street: Figure 1
The Blagden Alley facade of the new development.

Douglas Development stopped by the ANC 2F Community Development Meeting on Wednesday night to share plans for a new development coming to emerging 9th Street Corridor.

Douglas owns three rowhouses on 9th Street and now is planning a renovation that would connect the buildings internally, as well as an addition reaching into Blagden Alley. The new project would then stretch from 1216 9th Street NW to 1228 9th Street NW. There will be entrances along 9th Street and Blagden Alley, and Douglas is hoping for a restaurant on the ground level facing the alley. The upper floors of the project will house commercial tenants. The architecture firm designing the project is Antunovich Associates out of Chicago.

New Office/Retail Concept On the Boards For 9th Street: Figure 2
The gray area indicates additions, while the brick is existing.

As for design, the Blagden Alley facade would be modern and window heavy, and the interior will consist of open spaces and atriums. The 9th Street side will be restored, and the addition will not be visible from the sidewalk. An existing carriage house-like structure at the alley may be used as an art gallery or restaurant space.

“Its going to be a very cool, very bright space, with lots of outdoor areas,” Paul Millstein of Douglas Development told the committee.

New Office/Retail Concept On the Boards For 9th Street: Figure 3
The 9th Street facade.

Douglas was meeting with the ANC in advance of a hearing with the Historic Preservation Office, and the committee members were supportive of the concept. “It really looks like a gem — beautiful,” said one. The committee voted in approval of the project.

Millstein noted that the adjacent space is going to be turned into a four-story residential project, which UrbanTurf covered recently. Douglas is communicating with the developers to mitigate any disturbances the potentially-noisy retailers might cause.

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