Frager's Redevelopment Team Presents Plans to ANC Committee

  • April 6th 2016

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Frager's Redevelopment Team Presents Plans to ANC Committee: Figure 1
View of 1101 Penn from Pennsylvania Avenue.

The development team led by Perseus Realty and Javelin 19 Investments presented its plans for the redevelopment of the Frager’s Hardware site at 1101-1117 Pennsylvania Avenue SE (map) to the ANC 6B Planning and Zoning Committee on Tuesday evening, and the feedback was mixed.

1101 Penn will be a four-story development with a penthouse level that will likely house 34 one- and two-bedroom condos, Frager’s Hardware and two other retail establishments. There would also be an underground parking level with 36 spaces (two for Frager’s employees, 34 for residents), as well as electric vehicle charging stations and bicycle spaces.

While the ANC committee members commended the development team for their extensive work with the Weintraub family (who owns Frager’s and currently operates the store in a temporary space nearby), the Historic Preservation Office (HPO) and neighborhood residents and business-owners, they recommended that the full ANC submit a letter to the Historic Preservation Review Board which outlined concerns with some aspects of the design.

Frager's Redevelopment Team Presents Plans to ANC Committee: Figure 2
View of 1101 Penn from 11th Street.

First, many on the committee took issue with the stepped-back construction atop the historic Frager’s facade. Architect Hickock Cole intended for the step-back to prevent pedestrians from seeing the upper floors from the street level, as well as it being an easy solution for historic preservation concerns.

Second, the design of the two in-fill portions of the building raised some concerns, specifically the juxtaposition between that and the more historic portion. While the developers noted early on that the contrast was intentional, the committee would prefer something that is more subtle and doesn’t fight with or overwhelm the historic portion. A number of members took some issue with the building materials, which will be brick to match the historic Frager’s building, two types of metal and glass.

Lastly, there were concerns over the abundance of glass in the modern appendages to the building, specifically that the resulting glare may cause a greenhouse effect on the street. On a related note, the committee requested that the findings of a shadow study administered by Perseus be shared with the committee.

The recommendations of the committee will be shared with the full ANC at the monthly meeting in April.

Correction: The article has been updated to reflect Javelin 19 Investments’ involvement in the project.

This article originally published at

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