A Zoning Change Could Lead To More Development in Brookland

  • April 12th 2024

by Siddhi Mahatole

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700 Monroe Street NE. Google Maps.

A zoning change could facilitate more mixed-use development in DC's Brookland neighborhood. 

The Bennett Corporation, owner of 700 Monroe Street NE (map), filed a map amendment application with DC's Zoning Commission recently to rezone the Property from the MU-3A zone to the MU-2 zone. The MU-2 designation allows for medium-density mixed-use development in areas predominantly developed with residential buildings. 

“The requested rezoning to the MU-2 zone will allow the property to be redeveloped with higher density and increased affordable housing, thus contributing to the ongoing revitalization of the Upper Northeast Planning Area and the neighborhood located by the Property,” the application stated. 

The amendment application will likely go before the Zoning Commission later this year. Here is a look at some recent development news in and around Brookland:

See other articles related to: brookland

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/a_zoning_change_could_lead_to_more_development_in_brookland/22181.

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