A Look Inside DC's Shipping Container Apartments

  • September 29th 2014

by Lark Turner

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DC has its first residential complex made up of shipping containers.

The four-unit complex at 3305 7th Street NE (map) took seven months to build from conception to build-out, according to architect Travis Price. UrbanTurf first heard about the project this summer.

Now we can take a look inside. The apartments’ interiors are very sparse, and as builders Sean Joiner and Matthew Grace told the Washington Business Journal, it appears that the apartments were made out of recycled materials. The floors are a mixture of welded metal and wide-plank. Corrugated plastic is used on the building’s exterior.

A Look Inside DC's Shipping Container Apartments: Figure 3

The interior and exterior are most noticeable for the huge windows built into the sides of the containers. Pieces of the container form shutters, and a few of these large windows lead out onto balconies in the back of the building.

See more photos of the complex below:

A Look Inside DC's Shipping Container Apartments: Figure 4

A Look Inside DC's Shipping Container Apartments: Figure 5

A Look Inside DC's Shipping Container Apartments: Figure 6

A Look Inside DC's Shipping Container Apartments: Figure 7

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/a_look_inside_brooklands_shipping_container_apartments/9023.

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