A New Start-Up Wants to Help DC Homeowners With Accessory Dwelling Units

  • December 13th 2018

by Nena Perry-Brown

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A cut-away showing a studio accessory dwelling unit atop a garage from Cross Design Group

Earlier this year, UrbanTurf opined about the complexities of building an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) in DC and the lack of easy tools that can help determine whether a structure is feasible. Now, just such a feasibility tool has come to the market.  

DC-based startup AddUP intends to be a tool to help interested homeowners determine whether building an ADU is feasible for them. The AddUP website will create a free feasibility report for homeowners which explains what kind of structure can be built based on the zoning and offers estimates for construction costs and potential rental income.

The site also offers tools for homeowners to link with ADU experts and professionals, explore and compare their financing options and create simple agreements with friends and family who may be interested in loaning money for the ADU's construction. The latter financing tool was identified in a recent survey as the second-most common funding source for ADUs in Portland.

AddUP also plans to offer screening for prospective renters and a portal to process rental payments and pay off loans. For more information and an interview with AddUP founder Dan Hardcastle, check out Coalition for Smarter Growth's ADU forum.

See other articles related to: accessory apartments dc, accessory dwellings, adu

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/a-new-start-up-wants-to-help-figure-out-feasibility-of-dc-adus/14803.

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