A Glimpse of the 350-Unit Proposal at the Takoma Metro Station

  • April 26th 2022

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Preliminary rendering of proposed development, looking from Cedar and Carroll Streets. Click to enlarge.

Two months ago, the public got wind of a new proposal to redevelop part of the Takoma Metro station. Now, we are getting an idea of what that proposal will look like. 

On Monday evening, developer EYA shared its latest plans for the 6.7-acre site at Eastern Avenue and Cedar Street NW (map) at the ANC 4B meeting, which included an idea of the design concept. The proposed development would deliver 350-380 studio to three-bedroom units and 10,000-20,000 square feet of retail. 

Newer site plan of proposed development. Click to enlarge.

Roughly 50-80 units would be affordable to households earning up to 60% of area median income (AMI); the developer is also pursuing a recently-implemented tax abatement to more than double the number of affordable units, for households earning up to 30%, 60%, and 75-90% of AMI.

The design of this façade is meant to evoke the movement train. Click to enlarge.

There would be 184 residential and retail parking spaces and a pick-up/drop-off/loading turnaround area under the building off Cedar Street. The site will also be reconfigured, which will eliminate WMATA's existing short-term parking and convert the Kiss & Ride drop-off to a driveway loop. Two acres of open space will be split across a passive park along Eastern Avenue and an activated retail plaza with terraced steps at the Metro entrance along Carroll Street.

Preliminary rendering of proposed development, looking from Eastern Avenue. Click to enlarge.

The developer plans to file a planned unit development application in June; WMATA is expected to review the proposal in September. 

Note: All renderings are preliminary, do not reflect proposed landscaping/open space, and may not reflect materials and final design details.

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/a-glimpse-of-the-350-unit-proposed-at-takoma-metro-station/19571.

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