A Few New Looks For 670-Unit Development Planned Next to Nats Park

  • July 15th 2022

by UrbanTurf Staff

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A rendering of Building G2. Click to enlarge.

There are now several more images for a massive mixed-use development set to be built just south of Nats Park. 

Two months after previewing a development proposal for four parcels near First Street and N Place SE (map) at The Yards, Brookfield Properties and the Menkiti Group have filed a second-stage planned unit development (PUD) for a development that will deliver 671 residential units, 40,000-49,000 square feet of retail, and a large waterfront park. 

A rendering of Diamond Teague Park. Click to enlarge.

The centerpiece of the new plan will be a larger and more activated Diamond Teague Park along the river, which will host concerts, exercise classes and other free public events. The park will have a stage-like pavilion and an area with stone seating that provides direct access to the Anacostia Waterfront, termed the "Get Down".

Building G1. Click to enlarge.

The two new residential buildings are Building G1, designed by STUDIOS Architecture, which will deliver 428 units above up to 25,000 square feet of retail, along with 130-240 parking spaces, and Building G2, designed by Hickok Cole, will deliver 243 units above 24,000 square feet of retail, along with 108 parking spaces. 

Another rendering of the park. Click to enlarge.
View from balcony. Click to enlarge.

See other articles related to: brookfield properties, nationals park, the yards, the yards dc

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/a-few-new-looks-for-671-unit-development-with-waterfront-park-next-to-nats-/19874.

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