A Change at the Top of One of DC's Most Famous Buildings

  • June 15th 2018

by UrbanTurf Staff

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A Change at the Top of One of DC's Most Famous Buildings: Figure 1
A rendering of the proposed penthouse space. Click to enlarge.

Plans are in the works to add a little more usable space at the top of one of DC's most (in)famous buildings. 

Washington REIT, the owners of the Watergate, are proposing to construct approximately 1,700 square feet of habitable penthouse space at the top of the office building at 600 New Hampshire Avenue NW. The space will consist of an open room adjacent to the existing roof deck that can be used by tenants of the building for conferences, presentations or events. 

"The space has been designed to integrate with the original design of the Watergate Project and blend seamlessly with the historic landmark by incorporating simple materials and complimentary curves and ellipses," documents filed with the Zoning Commission state. 

The Commission of Fine Arts approved the proposal in March, and it will now be reviewed by the Zoning Commission and the Historic Preservation Review Board. 

See other articles related to: watergate, watergate dc

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/a-change-at-the-top-of-one-of-dcs-most-famous-buildings/14126.

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