A Look at the 38-Unit Church Redevelopment in Historic Anacostia

  • January 10th 2022

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Rendering of proposed development. Click to enlarge.

In November, UrbanTurf reported on a proposed redevelopment of a church in Historic Anacostia. Now, we are getting a sense of how that project will look.

Bethel Christian Fellowship has applied for historic concept approval to incorporate the façades of the buildings at 2200-2224 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE (map) into a five-story-plus-penthouse development, delivering 38 residential units along with new church space. A rendering of the proposed project was filed with DC's Historic Preservation Office last week. 

The unit mix will span from one- to three-bedrooms, and the church would have programmatic space and a child care on three floors. There would also be 20 below-grade and surface parking spaces. PGN Architects is the designer.

ANC 8A submitted a letter of support for the project to the Historic Preservation Review Board last month.

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This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/a-better-look-at-38-unit-church-redevelopment-in-historic-anacostia/19123.

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