485-Unit Development Planned for Former Coast Guard Headquarters at Buzzard Point

  • February 28th 2017

by Nena Perry-Brown

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485-Unit Development Planned for Former Coast Guard Headquarters at Buzzard Point: Figure 1
Aerial rendering of 2100 2nd Street SW.

Two weeks after the new DC United stadium at Buzzard Point got the green light, a massive new mixed-use development has been proposed for the area.

A development team led by Akridge, Western Development and Orr Partners recently filed an application to renovate and convert the former US Coast Guard headquarters in Buzzard Point into a block-long project.

The building will deliver 485 residential units atop 70,441 square feet of ground-floor retail. The commercial space will have 21-foot ceilings and will include a restaurant and a cafe, as well as a potential pharmacy and a grocery store facing V Street.

485-Unit Development Planned for Former Coast Guard Headquarters at Buzzard Point: Figure 2
Rendering of the south facade.

The existing eight-story building is addressed at 2100 2nd Street SW (map), but actually occupies the entire block between First and Second Streets and between V Street and the Anacostia River. The second story will be removed entirely, as the developers plan to coordinate with the District Department of Transportation, Department of Energy and the Environment, the National Park Service and neighboring property owners to raise the building and its surrounding streets to bring the site out of the 100-year floodplain.

485-Unit Development Planned for Former Coast Guard Headquarters at Buzzard Point: Figure 3

There will also be two levels of underground parking with 372 spaces (281 for residents) and 157 bicycle spaces. The applicant will also extend the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail for pedestrians on the First Street side and for bicyclists on the Second Street side.

Antunovich Associates designed the residential portion of the building, which will have a textured concrete exterior with grey and oak-colored fiber cement accents and corrugated metal panels. The BCT Architects-designed retail portion will incorporate glass with aluminum and natural stone veneer.

Correction: A previous iteration of this article omitted mention of Orr Partners.

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This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/485_residential_units_planned_for_the_tip_of_buzzard_point/12276.

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