41 Townhomes Proposed for Brookland's Holy Redeemer College

  • January 21st 2015

by Lark Turner

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41 Townhomes Proposed for Brookland's Holy Redeemer College: Figure 1
Early rendering of planned townhomes.

Land currently owned by Brookland’s Holy Redeemer College, a Redemptorist housing site near Catholic University, may become a 41-townhome development.

The site at 3112 7th St NE (map) is a half-mile from the Brookland Metro. The plan from developer Madison Homes would require a planned-unit development (PUD) that should be filed in about two weeks, the firm’s Andrew Rosenberger told UrbanTurf.

41 Townhomes Proposed for Brookland's Holy Redeemer College: Figure 2
The proposed site adjacent to Holy Redeemer College.

Madison, which gave an informational presentation to ANC 5E on Tuesday night, is proposing building two different types of townhome units: one 18 feet wide, the other 14, though both types would have three bedrooms. Holy Redeemer College would retain its building, which would not be redeveloped as part of the plan, Rosenberger told UrbanTurf. Madison would acquire the land from the College outright if the PUD is successful.

UrbanTurf will update the status of this project as more information becomes available.

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This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/41_townhomes_proposed_for_brooklands_holy_redeemer_college/9429.

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