39 Condos Proposed at 11th and U Streets

  • May 18th 2021

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Proposed development, from U Street. Click to enlarge.

The U Street residential pipeline is growing on one of its more dormant corners.

Bello Realty Partners is pursuing a new residential development on the surface parking lot behind the old Bohemian Caverns building at 11th and U Streets NW (map). The developer will soon file a concept application with the Historic Preservation Review Board for a six-story building with 39 condominium units.

Looking south down 11th Street. Click to enlarge.

The project will have a few surface parking spaces and aside from five two-bedrooms, the unit mix will be predominately junior- and regular one-bedrooms. Three of the units, including a two-bedroom, will be Inclusionary Zoning for households earning up to 80% of area median income.

View from across U Street, down alley. Click to enlarge.

The developer is also considering replacing the mural in the parking lot that the development will obscure with another on the side of the new building. Torti Gallas and Partners is the architect.

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/39-condos-proposed-at-11th-and-u-streets/18272.

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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